Jumat, 08 Juni 2018

Zenodys - Organize the digital world with block chains

Zenodys is a distributed visual development framework and marketplace that enables anyone to create and sell high-quality digital assets based on blockchain technology.

Projects built using visual development tools are stored and run on a distributed network. This standard approach reduces fragmentation, improves interoperability, and forms an integrated data set. Once established, assets are stored and stored in a distributed market, and users can exchange them and put them in other projects. Wise contracts allow you to evaluate the author of digital assets at each stage of the value chain. As digital assets are embedded and deployed in different projects, exchange tokens are distributed to all authors along the value chain, with contributions to the entire asset. This provides an incentive for the community to generate reusable visual code blocks that can be run and used in multiple projects. In addition to cutting-edge technology, the

Zenodys team offers a complete user experience (UX). Our goal is to make it as simple as possible and allow users without technical skills to perform rigorous technical tasks.

The Zenodys platform is defined:



Structured data provides great value to buyers. The templates provided through the visual development platform create standard data formats for all digital assets, making them very clear and easy to understand.

The Zenodys platform automatically discovers and discovers similar data sources and merges them into a merged data cluster.

With Artificial Intelligence, you can automatically access the proposal based on the visual template provided by the buyer.

All workflows that reach the data market include licenses and hashtags.

The evaluation system is divided into two parts. It is an automatic evaluation system that checks whether there is a paragraph violation and compensates or punishes the voting system and delivery of structured feedback.

To improve the exchange, Zenodys provides users with an advertising platform to promote the seller's services, data and nodes.

A smart pricing calculator will be provided to find similar services and templates at a similar price and to get the expected value of all the parties involved.

The safety and security of data is provided first, and all data transfers between the parties are automatically encrypted and secured.

Data exchange can be done automatically and manually on this platform.

The Zenodys platform is unrivaled and the industry's best in terms of performance.

This platform is very easy to use for both beginners and experienced personnel. All the main tasks of the platform are done in a simplified way.

It provides a fully distributed platform that can easily perform all types of exchanges.

How our services work
Monetize all types of digital assets in three simple steps:

Personal, social, IoT, machine, government, health ...
Digital assets - content

Files, music, media, art, knowledge, content
Digital assets - professional assets

Algorithm, code, digital twin API, AR / VR
Digital assets - ui / design

Design, logo, graphics, user interface
Digital assets - data

Applications, services, dApps


The Zenodys Base and all the components / modules related now are self-owned; However, after the sale of Tokens we plan to start making an open base sourced in May 2018. Because of the complexity of core technology, the open source product will also be increasingly longer. We plan to have all the products completely sourced by early 2019. The side of the funds received during the development of open source ideas.


Hasil gambar untuk hadiah zenodys


Image result for zenodys bounty

11. JPG


WEBSITE : https://zz.zenodys.com/
WHITEPAPER : https://zz.zenodys.com/zenodys-whitepaper.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/zenodysico
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/zenodys/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/zenodys
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@zenodys

MY PROFILE:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2071847

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