Jumat, 08 Juni 2018

VARYON - General Payment Token Aim For Exchange Of Goods And Services At


Varyon (VAR) is a general purpose payment token for the exchange of goods and services in the Blue Frontiers ecosystem, other ecosystems, and between token holders. Blue Frontiers plans to use the proceeds to expand its ecosystem and create SeaZones and seastead, and will only accept Varyon (VAR) for its products and services.

The core structural feature of the current government model is centralization. Too many central authorities cause bureaucratic and inefficient representations to be cut off from the people they are supposed to serve. With appropriate technology solutions, governments are ready for decentralization. The technological solution is seasteading.

Seasteading brings decentralization beyond the digital world of bits and into the atomic world by providing modular, floating - seastead structures - where the evolution of new societies and forms of governance can take place. Promising solutions can branch off at any time by physically separating them to create seastead - enabling high-level evolving capabilities and fast adaptation rates. Mimicking the time-tested methods of variation and selection, decentralized governance processes through voyages will spark the creation and evolution of new advances in civilization.

When our homes and businesses can float to our preferred location, we can easily rearrange our cities and wade our home to other locations. The government will no longer have a monopoly over the space in which residents live and businesses engage in their commercial activities. Instead, governments must act like service providers, competing to attract citizens and businesses. As a result, we will have a growing market to governments in a decentralized world.

Varyon (VAR) is a general purpose payment token for the exchange of goods and services in the Blue Frontiers ecosystem, other ecosystems, and between token holders. Blue Frontiers plans to use the proceeds to expand its ecosystem and create SeaZones and seastead, and will only accept Varyon (VAR) for its products and services.

Presale Sales is available today for the first 4000 ETH with 15% bonus.

General sales will take place in June. There will be no bonus in public sale.

1 ETH = 14,750 VAR


4-28% * General sales
7-8% Presale
5-6% Funding of Blue Frontiers seeds
10-15% Blue Frontiers Team
45-72% Construction Seastead / SeaZone, Development, Administration
The amount of Varyon (VAR) allocated to Seastead / SeaZone Construction, Development, Administration is inversely proportional to the amount purchased in the public sale. That is, the more Varyon (VAR) sold in public sales, the less Varyon (VAR) owned for Seastead / SeaZone Construction, Development, Administration.

Blue Frontiers plans to create a first seastead prototype with funds collected from Varyon (VAR) Crowdsale, and to finance additional sales. The Varyon (VAR) Blue Frontiers hold for Seastead and SeaZone Construction, Development, and Administration will be used only as needed, to create Seasteads and SeaZones and to strengthen the ecosystem of products and services available to Varyon holders (VAR).

4000 ETH soft hat
22.000 ETH Hard hat
Use of Results
Funds collected from crowdsale will be used to carry out the Blue Frontiers mission. The proceeds from token sales are expected to be shared among the following activities:

Design & Engineering
SeaZone Legal & Administration
Community growth
General Administration
The company behind Varyon
Blue Frontiers, Pte. Ltd. (Blue Frontiers) was founded by the executive team and ambassadors of The Seasteading Institute. Our cumulative experience and knowledge of our team, network, government and media relationships make us the best company to deliver the delivery era. We have taken an ambitious long-term vision and built a pragmatic step towards the development of the first person.


2017 Q1

Historical Agreement.
Sign MOU with French Polynesia; launches Blue Frontiers; researchers conducted a Floating Island Research: Science & Technology Meeting at UC Berkeley Gump Station on Moorea Island. Hosted the first international meeting meeting in Tahiti. Conduct significant economic, legal and environmental research; developing new seastead design; build a global team.

2018 Q1

Launches Global Frontier & Blue Frontiers Blue Community.

2018 Q2

Launch of ICO Varyon (VAR).

2018 Q2-Q4

SeaZone Acquisition
Get SeaZone from host country; continue negotiations for additional SeaZones; engineer design and navy blueprint.

2019 Q1 / Q2

Prototype, test, assessment
Prototype seasteads; wave model testing; manufacturers and supply chain assessment.

2019 Q3 / Q4

Selection of Construction manufacturers and construction teams. Construction / manufacturing begins.




My profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2071847

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